UJotC Backups


If Peach dies turn 1

UJ (land on each bell 5 times after firsts; need 10 each to kill this turn)
[Peach dead]
Attack CD [Geno alive & CD heals self] / Attack DaL [bell healed] / RC [otherwise]
[Peach dead]
RC [if alive]
SJ, ~10 (392 EJD) [Geno alive] / ~14 (566 EJD) [bell healed] / ~18 (736 EJD) [o/w]


If Geno dies turn 1

UJ (land on each bell 6 times after firsts)
[Geno dead]
Attack CD
Attack CD [if alive]
[Geno Dead]
SJ, ~8 (322 EJD) [Peach alive] / ~11 (466 EJD) [bell healed] / ~15 (636 EJD) [o/w]


If both die turn 1

UJ (land on each bell 6 times after firsts)
[Peach dead]
[Geno dead]
[Peach dead]
[Geno dead]
SJ, ~18 (766 EJD) [bell healed] / ~22 (936 EJD) [otherwise]


If one dies turn 1 (easy)

UJ on everyone once
SJ 18 times



- If you don't wanna UJ, throw the RC with Mario turn 3 no matter what
- ^ If you can manage 5 UJs on each bell turn 2, even if healed they will die to this
- ^ Attacks with Geno and Peach only guarantee 1 fewer UJ needed to kill healed bell

- Only heal with Mario if absolutely necessary; timed boost -> never necessary
- ^ Mario has 111 HP, Dark Star does 55, Aurora Flash does 45, Water Blast does 34

- Damage listed on SJ line of backups is how much "Extra Jump Damage" you need
- ^ This means all UJ/SJ combined, after the base damage from each (1st jump)
- ^ The more math you can do the better, but doing this many SJs will always work
- ^ Mario dmg on CD: unboosted UJ 34ea; boosted UJ 51ea, boosted SJ 43ea
- ^ Attacking with Mario = SJ base damage + 2-3 extra (444-486)

- If only one bell is alive and gets healed, kill Countdown first, then attack bell

- If Time Is Marching On, you'll have to improvise a bit, the strats are too long!


Smithy 1 Backups for no RC freebie/drop

Peach throws ice bomb:
- 74 SJs if hammer >= 231, 75 if >= 212, 76 o/w
Peach throws fire bomb:
- 76 SJs if hammer >= 223, 77 o/w
Peach throws fright bomb:
- 77 SJs if hammer >= 234, 78 if >= 215, 79 o/w
If no attack items, Shocker with Peach:
- 80 SJs if hammer >= 219, 81 o/w
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