
Hey, Town. So I’ve determined that we definitely will not be embedding any media in these posts... at least until the day comes when I feel compelled to revise the CSS I’ve injected into this poor little CMS. I’ve got a few potentially interesting things to share.

Posting with the Write.as CLI… Running on Tilde.Town

I somehow managed to install the Writeas-CLI on Tilde.Town itself so I thought I’d create the most absurd walkthrough possible and demonstrate the “workflow.”

The magic of indexme on Town

I’m fairly new to command line tools, yes (going on 4 years I suppose,) but I think it’s absolutely astonishing that I had to come to the Small Web to find a tool like Town’s indexme. If you’ve got a directory of files without a landing page (index.html,) indexme will create said page for you. I’m going to use my /zines directory as an example, here. I wanted to create my own little archive of the Tilde.Town zine - mainly just to remind me to read all of the issues, cover to cover - but authoring my own index.html page for said directory felt somewhat imperial. Instead, all I had to do was navigate to the directory over ssh and run indexme. Immediately, an index was created.

Drafts 31

Drafts 31.0 has released including some interface updates and integration with Notion. Except for the grand margin reductions, I’m not feeling what I’ve seen so far all that much, but that’s to be expected - any abrupt changes to one’s living environment lead one to feel wary. Regarding the Notion integration, I am also afraid - my own Notion experience would suggest that Drafts is too powerful of a source for Notion content, but whatever.

Telegram on the cover of WIRED

“Message Received: How Telegram became the anti-Facebook - and a haven for extremists, a hive of misinformation, and the perfect platform for plotting insurrection.”

I can’t even begin to comment on this one, to be honest, but for context - I did just recently-ish write a big ole Post entitled “I Trust Telegram.”

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