
-01 February 2017

Time is amazing
Time has power,
It makes us stronger
As it goes,
But time is not the healer
What people think,
Time is like tide, everybody knows
But what nobody knows,
Is that where it goes
Why it walk alone
Why it never come back, once gone.

Time belongs to everyone,
While treating others just remember
Maybe it's your time
But theirs not so far,
Today you are cause of their tear
Who knows in future
They become you your savior.

Be wise,
As time goes never come back
Everybody knows,
We just have to do keep us on track
And remember
That time is not the healer,
As time goes, we grow
What makes us stronger,
We have not go with time
All we have to do make the time go with us
It is a secret trick
Don't be a freak.
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