Thoughts Can Affect Our Health

To maintain our health, we will generally adopt a healthy lifestyle, including diet management, sleep patterns, and regular exercise. But is that enough? Maybe or maybe not, because what you think also affects your overall health.

Research at Stanford University in the United States reveals the relationship between thinking and health. According to scientists, people who think negatively about physical activity are usually considered incompetent.

Over the past 21 years, researchers have conducted studies of the number of people who exercise while looking at the death rate of 61,000 adults.

Researchers say that people who think they don't move as much as their peers die faster than people who think they move a lot, even if the amount of exercise they do is actually the same.

Exercise can prolong one's life, but it also influences thinking. Octavia Zahrt, the study's author, found that there was a 71 percent higher risk of death for people who found themselves less active than people who thought they were exercising more than others

One reason why thinking affects health is that the negative perceptions that you always think can make you anxious and stressed. Then the treatment will affect physical health.

Besides thinking about lack of exercise, negative conversations with yourself can have an impact on your health. Saying something like "I can't do this" or "I fail" repeatedly can stress you out and be less motivated.

Say, "This time I failed, but I can finish it and it will work." This method increases your confidence and you are free from excessive worries.

According to psychologist Danielle Forshee, negative self-talk will reduce the production of the hormone serotonin, which serves to make someone happy and can increase the risk of depression.

In a state of setback, this might feel complicated, but try changing negative thoughts into positive thoughts to make them feel better.

"We need to change our minds about the way we see the world and the way we see ourselves," Daniel said.

In your opinion, what can cause emotions and also affect health. Try to feel the changes in yourself. For example, if you are angry because the experiment failed, how will your body react? What happens when it becomes stressful?

Then compare them when you think of something happy. Apart from physical effects, there may be other changes in different body systems that you are not aware of.

The body reacts to the way you think, feel, and act. This is the relationship between mind and body. So if you are stressed, anxious or anxious, your body will tell you that something is wrong.

For example, you might experience high blood pressure or heartburn after a very stressful event, such as the death of a loved one. You can also feel nauseous if you are nervous.

Emotions can weaken the immune system. You become more vulnerable to colds and other infections during emotionally difficult times. If you are stressed, anxious or anxious, you might not take good care of your health.

Poor emotional health can cause back pain, change your appetite, chest pain, constipation or diarrhea, dry mouth, extreme fatigue, headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia, palpitations, sexual problems and shortness of breath.

To be more positive, you can try relaxation methods such as meditation, listening to music, yoga or tai chi to maintain your emotional balance.
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