Linux Command Line

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Section 1: Setting Up

  1. Why Linux Command Line
  2. Linux Distributions
  3. Installing Linux Kernel in Windows
  4. Getting Started

Section 2: Basics

  1. Structure of Linux Commands
  2. Course Review
  3. How to install packages

Section 3: File System

  1. Understanding Linux File System
  2. Navigating the file system
  3. Working with files and dirs

Section 4: Text Files

  1. Editing Text files
  2. Redirecting Outputs
  3. Searching for Text in Files
  4. Locating files in the file system

Section 5: Go deeper

  1. Combining Multiple Commands using Chaining
  2. Chaining with Pipe Operator
  3. Environment Variables
  4. Processes
  5. Create and manage users
  6. Create and manage Groups
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