Python Programming

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Section 1: Python Orientation

  1. Welcome Message (Don't Skip This!)
  2. What is Python and Why
  3. Background story
  4. Python Implementations
  5. Download Resources

Section 2: Installation Videos

  1. Getting started
  2. Why do you need a python editor and best IDEs
  3. Course Review
  4. How to work with Jupyter Notebooks
  5. Basic Operations

Section 3: String and Variables

  1. Variables
  2. Finding Object Types
  3. Create Strings
  4. String Indexing
  5. String Concatenations and Built in Functions
  6. String Formating

Section 4: Main Python Objects

  1. Create List
  2. Indexing and Slicing a List
  3. List Methods
  4. List Comprehension
  5. Namespace
  6. Dictionary Methods
  7. Tuples
  8. Sets and Booleans

Section 5: File Handling in Python

  1. Files Handling

Section 6: Conditional Programming

  1. If else and elif Statements
  2. For Loops
  3. While Loops

Section 7: Writing Functions

  1. Create Functions
  2. Difference between == and is
  3. Local and Global Namespace
  4. Positional and Keyword Arguments

Section 8: Exception Handling

  1. Errors and Exception Handling

Section 9: Object Oriented Programming

  1. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
  2. Constructors and attributes
  3. Dunder Method in Class
  4. Methods
  5. Class Inheritance

Section 10: Modules and Packages

  1. Modules and Packages
  2. Package Working Example
  3. Purpose of
  4. Folder structures in Packages

Section 11: Iterators and Iterables

  1. Iterators and Iterables
  2. Creating your own Iterator Object

Section 12: Generators

  1. Generators in Python
  2. Creating custom generators

Section 13: Decorators

  1. Decorators
  2. The docstring problem when working with decorators

Section 14: Working with APIs

  1. Working with APIs

Section 15: Virtual Environment

  1. Virtual Environment

Section 16: Useful Packages

  1. Useful pip Command and Packages
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