Base R Programming

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Section 1: Getting Started

  1. Course Overview
  2. How to Get Queries Resolved
  3. Download Resources
  4. Installing R Studio
  5. R Studio walkthrough

Section 2: Data Concepts

  1. Datatypes
  2. Data Structures

Section 3: Vectors

  1. Vectorization
  2. Online Pizza Advertisement
  3. Create vector with a single element
  4. Create group of elements in a vector
  5. Use repetitions and sequence to create a vector fast
  6. Random numbers, rounding and sampling
  7. Formatting numbers
  8. Create subsets
  9. Handling Missing Values
  10. Binning
  11. Operations within a vector
  12. Operations between same size vectors
  13. Operations between different sized vectors
  14. Revenue impact of Ad-campaign
  15. Course Review

Section 4: Programming Basics

  1. Module Overview
  2. If and ifelse
  3. Making assignments within ifelse
  4. Checking existence
  5. Nested if-else
  6. For loops
  7. Writing smarter For loops
  8. Break while repeat
  9. Memory pre-allocation tactics
  10. Why Dates cant just be strings
  11. Date operations
  12. Working with lubridate and anytime
  13. Working with lubridate and anytime

Section 5: Lists in R

  1. Introduction to lists
  2. Named list, unlist and more
  3. Course Review

Section 6: Dataframe

  1. Introduction to Dataframe
  2. Creating Dataframe
  3. Visual editing
  4. Various dataframe operations
  5. Inspecting and Rownames
  6. Select, delete, subset
  7. Attributes and comments
  8. Saving dataframe to disk
  9. Native RDS files
  10. Handling CSV files
  11. Xlsx files
  12. SAS and Stata files
  13. R datasets, packages and public datasets
  14. Useful data summarization function
  15. Conditional filtering and missing values
  16. Matrix vs dataframe
  17. Joining operations for dataframes
  18. Pivot and frequency table
  19. Grouping and case problem solution

Section 7: Base Graphics

  1. Module Overview
  2. Base Graphics basics
  3. Scatterplot
  4. Adding plot components
  5. Legend
  6. Saving plot components and challenge
  7. Line plot with secondary Y axis
  8. Change Par settings
  9. Histogram and bar charts
  10. Box plot
  11. Dot plot and density plot
  12. Multiple plots and custom layouts
  13. Course Review

Section 8: R Core Programming

  1. Intro to stringr
  2. Sentences, punctuations, strings manipulations
  3. Writing effective functions
  4. Local and global namespace
  5. Writing effective functions
  6. Local and global namespace
  7. Debugging R code
  8. Error handling
  9. Apply Function
  10. lapply, sapply, vapply
  11. Mapply
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